It’s easy to declare Halloween a holiday for children, but let’s face it with the onslaught of Spidermen and Disney princesses running around every Halloween, we have to admit that children have done a terrible job of creating entertaining costumes for us to enjoy. If we’re depending on children to surprise and delight us with their witty and clever costume choices, then it is going to be a disappointing holiday for all of us.
It’s time to take back Halloween. We give you full permission to steal the attention away from the vampires and ladybugs. Here are 5 costume ideas that will definitely get a chuckle and maybe even win you a costume contest this year.
- Donald Trump’s Hair Piece – Everyone will be dressing up as Donald Trump this year, so you should dress up as his hair. Be different. Start collecting hair from your bathtub drain and your various combs and hairbrushes and attach them to a shirt with double sided tape. Be prepared to answer the question, “What are you supposed to be? And, what’s your stance on immigration again?”
- A Dog Being Dog Shamed – Dress as a dog, with a sandwich board around your neck, dog shaming you for your favorite irresponsible dog behavior.
- The Color Changing Dress – Wear a dress that is blue and black on one side and gold and white on the other. Ask all of your friends what color you are? Debate!
- Miss Colorado – Wear scrubs a stethoscope and a Miss Colorado sash and you are instantly transformed into the pageant contestant that may very well bring down The View! For added fun ask a friend to dress as Joy Behar or Whoopi Goldberg and have them taunt you relentlessly about your “doctor stehescope.”
- Jar Jar Binks – There is no year when dressing up as Jar Jar Binks for Halloween isn’t funny. But, this year with the very real possibility that the continuation of the Star Wars saga will disappoint us in some new way, dressing up as Jar Jar Binks has extra cultural immediacy. Me thinks this is a great so idea!
- An Outlandish Protester Being Arrested – For a wild group costume dress up as an over the top protestor in handcuffs. Have a friend dress up as the arresting officer. If a third friend wants in on your group costume, they can be the reporter snapping the photo. A fourth friend could be the innocent bystander. (So if you’re dressed up as an angry Ronald McDonald protesting McDonald’s your fourth friend should be carrying a happy meal obliviously eating an endless supply of cheeseburgers throughout the night, while you yell at friend two for arresting you, and free takes the papparazi style photos of the controversy.)
- Tom Brady – Wear a Tom Brady jersey, carry around a deflated football and a broken cell phone. If you really want to sell it, cry a lot.