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British Pranksters Prove That Vandalism Can Be Both Classy and Funny



“Signs, signs, everywhere there’s signs.” The Five Man Electrical Band’s lyrics rang through my mind when I first heard this story. When you stop to think about it, we’re surrounded by signs throughout the day. From road signs to billboards, and nametags on doors, how many of us actually take the time to read all the signs we see?

Not many, and that’s exactly what a group of British pranksters were banking on when they replaced signs on park benches with witty remarks and pithy commentary on society.

Killjoy council officials have removed a series of comedy plaques put on a street benches - aimed at bringing a smile to shopper's faces. Pranksters made up the plaques to screw onto the shopping benches in the Banksy-style to liven up a city centre. But council officials removed the five plaques - after saying some people could be "offended" by them. © WALES NEWS SERVICE

Photo Courtesy of Wales News Service

The joke began when the Cheshire West and Chester City Council began crafting a Public Space Protection Order. The PSPO is intended to counter “antisocial behavior” in the local community. What that means they’ve yet to clearly define, nor is it clear how they intend to enforce social behavior.


Killjoy council officials have removed a series of comedy plaques put on a street benches - aimed at bringing a smile to shopper's faces. Pranksters made up the plaques to screw onto the shopping benches in the Banksy-style to liven up a city centre. But council officials removed the five plaques - after saying some people could be "offended" by them. © WALES NEWS SERVICE

Photo Courtesy of Wales News Service

Street artists picked up on the asinine example of yet more government intervention in their lives and decided to act upon it….by replacing the signs the city had put on park benches with signs of their own.

Killjoy council officials have removed a series of comedy plaques put on a street benches - aimed at bringing a smile to shopper's faces. Pranksters made up the plaques to screw onto the shopping benches in the Banksy-style to liven up a city centre. But council officials removed the five plaques - after saying some people could be "offended" by them. © WALES NEWS SERVICE

Photo Courtesy of Wales News Service

In my opinion, their public protest is not only classy, it’s a classic example of just how ridiculous government regulations can be. Ironically, while the city has chosen to hunt these artists down for this performance,  their witchhunt has only exposed their “Public Space Protection Order” for what it is…another sign that government officials everywhere are out of their bloody minds.


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